Established in the aftermath of the 2014 Ebola outbreak, Communities United to Remove Epidemics Initiative (“the CURE Initiative”) seeks to tackle the onset and spread of infectious and non-infectious diseases particularly those that add to hardship and perpetuate inter-generational poverty in vulnerable communities. Our methodology involves using a participatory, science-based transformation of mindsets in order to trigger desired behavioural outcomes. Key deliverables include the provision of:
(a) age-appropriate guidance – based on proven methodologies – across multiple communication channels to maximise stakeholder buy-in;
(b) humanitarian crisis templates for government ministries, departments and agencies, and first responders in order to automate and standardise readiness for public health emergencies especially those that disproportionately harm underserved populations;
(c) protocols and hygiene guidelines for educational institutions and public facilities supported by in-built impact assessment mechanisms and reward systems for sustainability; and
(d) effective, self-reinforcing training and network-building interventions that combine, in an atmosphere of trust and mutual respect, the best of local and foreign know-how to strengthen public health infrastructure and ensure the creation of resilient, healthy and forward-looking communities
An international, multidisciplinary team of professionals has been designated to deliver CURE Initiative programmes using sentinel surveillance systems and testing and community awareness campaigns, etc for early disease detection or mitigation. Accomplished psychologists, medical professionals, epidemiologists, humanitarian disaster specialists, economists and creatives inter alia are available to lend their expertise and passion to stakeholders at federal, state and local government levels.
A world committed to the eradication of preventable human suffering caused by health inequities and economic marginalisation.
To design creative interventions that democratise access to quality healthcare and higher standards of living that transform lives.
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